For the past 12 years, we celebrate 1st of December differently. We celebrate friendship, dedication, love for music and radio. 12 years in which we became the most solid online radio project in Romania, for the dance/house segment.
In 2010, with great emotions and without a precise direction, we opened
Radio DEEP Romania on an old computer, a small desk and a lot of enthusiasm. Every year we talked about how much work went into this project, but this time, after 12 years, we just want to show you our gratitude, thanks and trust!
Without all these wonderful people who chose to be different, to listen differently, we wouldn’t have gotten here! Without a beautiful and devoted team!
Today, Radio DEEP Romania, built brick by brick, with the greatest passion, is in its best shape, with its own studio and a team spread throughout Romania. With results that reach 100,000 people who connect to our streams, monthly!
De 12 ani, pe 1 Decembrie sarbatorim diferit. Sarbatorim prietenia, dedicarea, dragostea pentru muzica si radio. Au zburat 12 ani in care am cladit cel mai solid proiect radio online din tara pe segmentul dance/house.
In 2010, cu mari emotii si fara o directie precisa, am deschis Radio DEEP Romania pe un calculator cu monitor cu tub, pe un birou de 1 metru si mult entuziasm. In fiecare an am povestit despre cat de mult s-a muncit in acest proiect, de data aceasta, dupa 12 ani vrem doar sa va aratam recunostinta, multumire si incredere!
Fara toti acesti oameni minunati care au ales sa fie diferiti, sa asculte diferit, nu ajungeam aici! Fara o echipa frumoasa si devotata
nu eram aici!
Radio DEEP Romania, cladit caramida langa caramida, cu cea mai mare pasiune, este in cea mai buna forma a sa, cu studio propriu si o echipa imprastiata in toata Romania. Cu rezultate care se indreapta spre 100.000 de oameni ce se conecteaza la stream-urile noastre lunar!