Guest Mix


Radio DeepRadio Deep offers every DJ, amateur or pro, the possibility of promoting their mixes/songs on our radio station. For your mix to be played on Radio Deep, it must meet the following criteria:

Your mix SHOULD:

– NOT have mixing mistakes (we accept amateurs but a little common sense goes a long way);
– NOT have acapellas like “promo mix by dj..” or “dj .. in the mix”;
– have a 1 hour duration, +/- 2 minutes, to fit just right in our timetable.
– be recorded at a reasonable audio level, preferably -2dB. Let our compressor do the work, don’t send us a distorted mix.
– be AT LEAST 192kbps, and the sample rate 44.1 kHz /16 bit.
– be uploaded on a file hosting site such as or any other drive service (Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.)

If you feel like you meet the criteria above, send us an email at, in which you tell us your DJ name, where you’re from, a little bit about your music career, about you (hobbies, occupation, etc.), the name of your mix (DJ X – Dance Trippin’ , DJ X – August Promo Mix), tracklist of it, and last but not least, the link where we can download your mix.

The e-mails which don’t correspond with our criteria will be dismissed immediately. Read carefully!

We’ll be waiting for your mixes, good luck!


TED Radio HourRadio Deep ofera tuturor DJ-ilor, atat profesionisti, cat si amatori, posibilitatea de a-si promova mixurile/piesele pe postul nostru de radio. Pentru ca un mix sa ajunga la Radio Deep, el trebuie sa indeplineasca urmatoarele conditii:

– sa nu existe greseli de mixaj (acceptam incepatorii dar exista o oarecare limita);
– sa nu contina acapelle gen “promo mix by dj..” sau “dj .. in the mix”;
– mixul sa aiba durata fixa (o ora), +/- 2 minute, sa se poata incadra bine in grila noastra de programe.
– mixul trebuie sa fie inregistrat la un nivel audio decent, de preferat in –2dB. Lasa compresorul nostru sa isi faca treaba, nu trebuie sa ne trimiti un mix distorsionat.
– calitatea setului trebuie sa fie de minim 192kbps, iar sample rate-ul trebuie sa fie de 44.1 kHz / 16 bit.

Mixurile trebuie sa le urcati pe sau alt serviciu de tip cloud hosting (Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.)

In cazul in care consideri ca indeplinesti conditiile de mai sus, trimite-ne un e-mail pe adresa noastra,, care sa contina urmatoarele: numele tau real cat si numele de DJ, cateva informatii despre tine (varsta, localitate, ocupatie, vechime in muzica), denumirea setului (DJ X – Dance Trippin’ , DJ X – August Promo Mix), TRACKLIST-ul setului, dar nu in ultimul rand, unul dintre cele mai importante detalii, link-ul de unde putem descarca setul. Citeste cu atentie inca o data toate aceste criterii, e-mail-urile care nu corespund vor fi ignorate. Asteptam mixurile, spor la treaba!

IMPORTANT – Acest text poate aparea pe diverse site-uri. Va multumim ca ne considerati un exemplu demn de urmat, insa ne-am fi bucurat sa il gasim personalizat macar, nu copy-paste.[/block]

Tags: trimite mix, promovare mix, trimite set, dj set, dj mix, promovare dj, reclama dj, trimite dj set, submit dj set, submit mix, promo mix, promo dj, send mix, send dj set, send dj mix, dj romania, trimite mix romania, promovare dj romania, radio romania, radio dj, radio dj set

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