Dupa un succes urias la nominalizarile Grammy 2015, Sam Smith cu unul dintre cele mai asteptate videoclipuri: LIKE I CAN.
SASE nominalizari a bifat britanicul Sam Smith la Grammy 2015, inclusiv Record of the Year si Album of the Year. Campania pentru a convinge juriul de specialitate sa il voteze vine cu videoclipul cel mai asteptat al single-ului cu cel mai mare potential comercial: “LIKE I CAN“.
Filmarile pentru “Like I Can” au avut loc pe Brooklyn Bridge si au sfarsit intr-un bar unde au baut shot-uri. Sam incearca sa intre in inimile americanilor pana pe 9 ianuarie cand incepe turneul care trece prin New York, Toronto si Los Angeles.
Versuri Sam Smith – Like I can (lyrics)
He could be a sinner, or a gentleman
He could be a preacher when your soul is damned
He could be a lawyer on a witness stand
But he’ll never love you like I can, can
He could be a stranger you gave a second glance
He could be a trophy of a one night stand
He could have your humour, but I don’t understand
‘Cause he’ll never love you like I can, can, can
Why are you looking down all the wrong roads?
When mine is the heart and the salt of the soul
There may be lovers who hold out their hands
But they’ll never love you like I can, can, can
They’ll never love you like I can, can
A chance encounter of circumstance
Maybe he’s a mantra keeps your mind entranced
He could be the silence in this mayhem, but then again
He’ll never love you like I can, can, can
Why are you looking down all the wrong roads?
When mine is the heart and the salt of the soul
There may be lovers who hold out their hands
But they’ll never love you like I can, can, can
They’ll never love you like I can, can, can
They’ll never love you like I can, can, can
We both have demons, that we can’t stand
I love your demons, like devils can
If you’re self-seeking an honest man
Then stop deceiving,
Lord, please
Why are you looking down all the wrong roads?
When mine is the heart and the salt of the soul
There may be lovers who hold out their hands
But they’ll never love you like I can, can, can
They’ll never love you like I can, can, can
They’ll never love you like I can, can, can