It’s Traktor update time! Native Instruments posted a forum post about the new 3.7.0 public beta. Here is what they said:
Dear Traktorists,
We’re very happy to start a new round of TRAKTOR PRO beta testing and to collaborate with all of you to make this new version as robust and enjoyable as possible.
After the 3.6 release, we decided to continue our refactoring work in order to fix some bugs that were introduced in the latest version and to prepare future features. Along the way, we introduced new Kits to the new Pattern Player.
Test Focus :
CDJ 3000 HID mode
General Traktor usage
Pattern player usage and new kits for PRO PLUS users
Fixes :
CDJ 3000 Jog wheels don’t respond to slow rotations.
Tracks with accented characters in their file name are duplicated if they are imported during start up.
Tracks with accented characters in their file name don’t show up in file name and file path searches.
Tracks with accented characters in their file name don’t have their analysis data saved.
Explorer node doesn’t display accented characters correctly.
Traktor crashes when external drives are disconnected.
Traktor crashes on Startup on some Windows devices.
Network volumes don’t show up in the explorer node on MacOS.
Network volumes tracks can’t be found if volume is not connected during Traktor start up.
Smartlist count is always 0.
Playlist count doesn’t reflect search results.
Pattern player off sync after calling cue or running into a short loop (PLUS)
New :
5 new Kits for Pattern Player (PLUS).
Known Issues that we’re still working on :
Audio glitches on M4A files introduced in the latest Windows 11 update.
Testing Safely:
Despite extensive internal testing, we recommend a cautious approach at first, as your specific setup and workflow may trigger new issues. We advise you to do a collection backup and to be mindful when playing out in public, as we have modified many areas of the code.
Community guidelines:
If you are new to the Public Beta Area, please read our community code of conduct first. You can also find more information about this area here.
Filing Beta Bugs:
As usual, when filing a bug, please:
Check if you are using the latest beta version (we may release new betas every 2 weeks).
Check if the issue is already listed in the “known issues” section.
Try to reproduce the bug first in the current version (3.6.1).
Describe your setup and the circumstances of the issue as precisely as possible.
You can use the NI Support Tool to collect all relevant information about your system and attach it to your bug report.
Happy testing! We look forward to your feedback.
We hope to see many more updates in the future.